Fundamental of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EX 101)


Fundamental of Electrical and Electronics Engineering EX 101 | IOE Syllabus 2080

Lecture          : 3
Tutorial         : 1
Practical     : 3

Course Objectives:

Objective of the course is to understand the language of electronics, elements, and their functionality, to introduce the DC and AC circuit analysis and basic understanding of analog systems and their applications.

1. Basic Circuits Concepts (6 hours)
1.1 Current and Potential
1.2 Passive components: Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance; series, parallel combinations; Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws for dc circuits.
1.3 Signal sources: voltage and current sources; non ideal sources; representation under assumption of linearity; controlled sources: VCVS, CCVS, VCCS, CCCS; concept of gain, transconductance, transimpedance.
1.4 Maximum power transfer, Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem

2. Average and RMS Values (4 hours)
2.1 Generation of AC voltage
2.2 Waveform and its characteristics
2.3 RMS and Average values of periodic waveforms

3. AC Circuit Analysis (12 hours)
3.1 Single Phase AC Circuit Analysis
3.1.1 Series, parallel and network circuits with sinusoidal excitations
3.1.2 The concept of complex impedance and admittance
3.1.3 Sinusoidal excitation of inductive and capacitive reactance and complex impedance
3.1.4 Concept of time phase differences between various sinusoidal quantities
3.1.5 Phasor concept and phasor representation of AC quantities
3.1.6 Transformed Impedances and network reduction
3.1.7 Real , reactive and apparent power Concepts
3.2 Three Phase AC Circuit
3.2.1 Generation of three phase voltage
3.2.2 Wye and Delta connection

4. Diodes (7 hours)
4.1 Semiconductor diode characteristics
4.2 Modeling the semiconductor diode
4.3 Diode circuits: clipper; clamper circuits
4.4 Zener diode, LED, Photodiode, Varactor diode, Tunnel diodes
4.5 DC power supply: rectifier – half wave, full wave (center tapped, bridge), Zener regulated power supply

5. Transistor (10 hours)
5.1 BJT configuration and biasing, small and large signal model
5.2 T and π model
5.3 Concept of differential amplifier using BJT
5.4 BJT as switch and logic circuits
5.5 Construction and working principle of JFET, MOSFET and CMOS
5.6 MOSFET as logic circuits

6.The Operational Amplifier and Oscillator (6 hours)
6.1 Basic model; virtual ground concept; inverting amplifier; non-inverting amplifier; integrator; differentiator, summing amplifier and their applications
6.2 Basic feedback theory; positive and negative feedback; concept of stability; oscillator
6.3 Waveform generator using op-amp for Square wave, triangular wave, Phase Shift oscillator and Wien bridge oscillator for sinusoidal waveform


  1. Familiarization with passive components, function generator and oscilloscope
  2. Measurement of amplitude, frequency, time period using oscilloscop
  3. Ohm’s law, series, parallel circuits and calculate average, RMS value
  4. Verification of KCL, KVL and network theorems
  5. Maximum power transfer/ capacitor charging and discharging
  6. Diode characteristics, rectifiers, Zener diodes
  7. Bipolar junction transistor characteristics and single stage amplifier
  8. BJT, PMOS, NMOS and CMOS as switch
  9. Inverting, non-inverting, summing and subtractor amplifier using Op-amp
  10. Relaxation oscillator
  11. Analog sensor and small projects

Mark Distribution

S.NTopicWorkload (hrs)Marks *Remarks
1Basic Circuits Concepts63 
2Average and RMS Values47 
3AC Circuit Analysis1215 
6The Operational Amplifier and Oscillator610 
*There may be minor deviation in mark distribution.


  1. Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Device and Circuit Theory”, PHI; 9th Edition, 2007
  2. Thomas L. Floyd, “Electronic Devices”, 8th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., 2007
  3. A.S. Sedra and K.C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”, 6th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2006
  4. J. R. Cogdell. “Foundation of Electrical Engineering”, prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NewJersey, 1990.

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